Tanzania Missions

Who They Are

Join us as GRBC travels to Tanga, Tanzania to work with the Digo tribe who have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel. The Digo and local tribes in this area have many ancestral beliefs, with the Islamic religion being the most dominant. Each Digo was born into the Islamic belief and have not heard of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

What We Do

In Tanga Tanzania, we partner with 3 of our church plants within the Digo people group in order to evangelize the villages, equip new believers, and teach others how to make disciples! We will mainly be focusing in the surrounding villages of Bamba village. When the GRBC team leaves to go home to the US,  the believers will know how to make disciples. In other words, their responsibility is to make disciples themselves, showing new believers what it looks like to follow Jesus. As Scripture shows, teaching and equipping disciples grows the church exponentially and grows the faith of each believer.

What To Expect

This is a rigorous trip with camping out in the African bush amongst the people. Each team member will have their own translator who will be working beside them daily as they go out into the mission field. When traveling, members should be equipped to share Bible stories, share the Gospel, and know how to lead in discipleship with new believers.


" Tanzania has completely changed my life. It put me in a situation where I had to FULLY rely on God. Also during this trip, you will see the power of God in a mighty way. This trip feels like it was taken straight out the book of Acts- seeing God change a whole people group."
-Dalton Arnett

"The Lord moved in ways that were unimaginable. Lives were changed and souls saved. The people of Tanzania will always have a very special place in my heart!"
- Ben Trickett

“We were able to share the gospel in our village’s secondary school and every single one of the 635 teenagers accepted Christ! I stand in awe of how God has used us in this place to share the hope and love of Christ!”
-Brandy Oden

"We have been on many mission trips around the world, but none have had the impact on us in the way our trips to Tanzania have. Seeing God draw so many people to himself in a few short days is like walking in the pages of the book of Acts. These trips have truly changed our lives.”
-Cal and Daunn Brim
If you are interested in going to Tanzania, please contact us at 256-831-8854.