Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At GRBC, we believe that God birthed our church for the expansion of the Kingdom. When God is present in a church, everything we do will be for His glory. Thats why we find joy in serving and sharing in the mission of God, both locally and globally. Right now, God is alive and on mission in cities and nations across the world expanding His Kingdom. God is at work in this county, in this state, in this nation, and in this world and He is inviting you to be a part of His mission to restore hope to a broken world. Will you join Him?
It’s not about Greenbrier, its about the Kingdom of God!
It’s not about Greenbrier, its about the Kingdom of God!
Our Partners

His Hands and Feet Ministries
Diane Smith - Director
His Hands and Feet Ministries exists to love others and provide immediate assistance today, with an emphasis on programs that provide self-reliance in the future. The ultimate desire for His Hands and Feet Ministry is to see people living restored and redeemed lives. The way that process begins is having a safe place to cultivate and build relationships. This is the key to truly making an impact and to effectively share the Gospel. We continue to see the number of people grow, and lives continue to be impacted. All this serves to reach the ultimate goal of seeing people know the love of Jesus Christ.
Favor City Church - Las Vegas, NV
Joseph Gibbons - Lead Pastor
In October of 2019 God began moving in Joseph and his wife Kristen’s heart to plant a new church. They have a vision for a church where people can belong before they believe, while impacting a fast growing city that is largely unreached. While leading a youth weekend in Las Vegas, God opened their eyes to the epidemic of youth homelessness in Southern Nevada, and used this reality as a catalyst for their calling to the city. So in August of 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, the Gibbons moved with their 2 kids, Canon and Riley Jo as well as 5 close friends to plant Favor City Church.
Engage Missions - Tanzania
Alphayo- Pastor
Julius Mhalale - Pastor
Zechariah- PastorGod has blessed us at GRBC to partner with 3 church plants in Tanga, Tanzania, Africa. Our partnerships include working with church members to evangelize the villages, train new believers to understand what it means to follow Jesus, and equipping seasoned believers to go and make disciples!
Crosspoint Central America Ministries - Honduras
Omar Alvarado - Lead Pastor
Crosspoint International Ministries is a non-profit organization that exists to bring Christians together to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. Following the command given in Matthew 28:19, Mark 6:15 and Acts 1:8, we believe it is our responsibility to carry the message of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to the entire world. Crosspoint not only provides the resources needed to help pastors and churches fulfill their ministry objectives, but also provides endless opportunities for churches and individuals to fulfill the call to serve Christ on the foreign mission field. We are committed to working wherever God leads us to develop long term partnerships with those Christians God places in our path to give every man, woman and child an opportunity to find new life in Jesus Christ