The Mission
Equipping people to follow Jesus
The Strategy
Seek the Kingdom
Serve the Kingdom
Share the Kingdom
The Pathway to Following Jesus
The Pathway to Following Jesus was designed to help believers and unbelievers understand the next step in the process of following Jesus. We believe that each of the following 6 steps is a bold statement of faith taken by believers in the process of building a life that looks like Jesus.
Seek - A love relationship with God
We believe that seeking the Kingdom means pursuing a right relationship with God.
A relationship with the Father starts with placing your faith in Jesus Christ.... (Romans 10:9)
Jesus himself calls us in John 15 to abide in Him. Abiding in Jesus starts by spending intimate time with Him through prayer and reading scripture. We believe there is no greater way to experience a relationship with God than by calling out to Him in prayer.
Serve - A love relationship with others
We believe that serving the Kingdom means loving others the way that Jesus loved us.
Serving the Kingdom begins by connecting with God's people. One way to do that is by joining a body of believers in the local church. We strive to connect each new member with their next step through our 5-week Connection Group.
Community means a group of people doing life together. Our Community Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9am and share in life together throughout the week.
Share - A love for the world
We believe that sharing the Kingdom means telling others about the good news of Jesus.
Discipleship is a core element of following Jesus. We believe in teaching people to look like Jesus in every aspect of life. We do this through personal relationships with small groups of believers that flow out of our community groups into our Discipleship Groups.
The final step of following Jesus is being sent out to make disciples. Following Jesus means sharing the gospel with our neighbors, and with the world. Join us in our mission to take the good news of Jesus to anyone who has not heard.